To address the immense complexity of its operated networks, Trapil is constantly developing innovative new solutions, which are now offered to pipeline users seeking to upgrade their practices.
Trapil’s services are built around three main domains of expertise. Each of the following service can also be performed in the form of audits, consulting or training.
> Our expertise serving your projects (pdf file).
Engineering & pipeline construction
Thanks to its extensive expertise in mechanical engineering, instrumentation, control systems and supervision facilities, Trapil supports you in every aspect of your project, from preliminary design to pipeline operation:
- Project ownership assistance and/or contractor
- Pipeline engineering, route selection, impact studies, hazard study, deviation, temporary and permanent decommissioning…
- Permanent or transient hydraulic studies
- Depot engineering, instrumentation, automation: firefighting, truck loading, tank level measurement, custody transfer, customs declarations…
- End facility engineering: equipment specifications, PID, electricity, pipping, pumps…
- Associated process: remote data transmission, SCADA systems, dispatching, line balance, transport planning…
Trapil assists you on your significant engineering projects through a complete turnkey service fulfilling your needs.
Inspection & integrity
Trapil is your go-to partner for managing the integrity of your pipelines, from pre-inspection audits to the deployment of end-to-end solutions:
- Integrity management support services
- Supervision of construction, pipelines and third–party worksites
- In-line inspections through our range of proprietary tools (XTraSonic)
- Categorization and priorization of defects
- Operation acceptance analysis
- Recommendation and implementation of temporary or definitive repair solutions
- Leak detection tools: line-balance, in-line detection tool, automatic detection…
- Coating and cathodic protection
Quality & metering
Trapil Liquid Flow Calibration Laboratory
14 route du Bassin n°5 — 92230 Gennevilliers, France
Tel.: +33 1 47 92 48 23 / 48 20
Fax: +33 1 47 92 48 26
Audits, consulting & training
Capitalizing on our long years of experience with pipelines, we can train your employees, either in our facilities or on-site, in every aspect of the pipeline transportation of refined petroleum products:
- Transportation, organization and management
- Refined products metering
- Integrity management, cathodic protection training
- Training of operators (electricity, maintenance, equipment...)